22. maj 2006
Fix you up
Še vedno čakam na novo dozo Grey's Anatomy... Naj bi jo dobila ta teden :)

'Tegan & Sara - Fix You Up'

and what do I, and what do I, what do I need
to do to see myself in a better mood
and what do you, and what do you, what do you need
to do to get yourself in a better mood
well there's not a lot for you to give if you're giving in
and there's not a lot for you to feel if you're not feeling it
you bring it up and bring it in and we'll get you fixed up in no time
and what I wanted most, what I wanted most, what I wanted most
was to get myself all figured out
and what I figured out, what I figured out, what I figured out
was I needed more time to figure you out
there's not a lot for you to give if you're giving in
and there's not a lot for you to feel if you're not feeling it
you bring it up and bring it in and we'll get you fixed up in no time
cause this love is all I have to give
this love is all I have to give
this love is all I have to give
this love is all I have to give
there's not a lot for you to give if you're giving in
there's not a lot for you to feel if you're not feeling it
there's not a lot fo you to give if you're giving in
there's not a lot for you to feel if you're not feeling it
you bring it up and bring it in and we'll get you fixed up in no time
this love is all i have to give
this love

Objavila Tina ob 10:56 | povezava na objavo |

1 Komentarji:

V 22. maj 2006 ob 12:43, Blogger Tina

Ja, tudi mene skrbi kako bo z učenjem potem, ko končno dobim GA.

Za izpite pa še ne vem kaj bom šla delat... Najprej še 2 projektni nalogi dokončam, potem odpišem še zadnji kolokvij iz EP, potem bom pa videla. Ostanejo mi še štirje biseri: mednarodna ekonomika, organizacija proizvodnje, strateško upravljanje in poslovodno računovodstvo. Je tebi ostalo kaj od tega? Bi bila vesela vsakih nasvetov in 'bližnjic' kako se lotit teh izpitov :)